The Professional Master in Youth and Adult Education (MPEJA) is a Stricto-Sensu Graduate Program of the State University of Bahia, linked to the Department of Education – DEDC – Campus I. The structure, objectives and purposes of the MPEJA They are guided by Normative Ordinance No. 17 of December 28, 2009 and Notice No. 005 / of April 30, 2010 of the Ministry of Education, which provide for the professional master’s degree within the national postgraduate system in Brazil. The MPEJA was approved by Resolution CONSU / UNEB and recommended by CAPES through letter No. 229-20 / 2012 / CTC / CAAII / CGAA / DAV / CAPES.
The Professional Master in Youth and Adult Education (MPEJA) aims at the production of knowledge, the permanent updating of advances in science and technology, the training and improvement of professionals in the area of ​​youth and adult education, meeting social demands. and professionals.
The general objective of the course is the professional qualification of human resources with scientific, didactic-pedagogical, technical, political, and ethical ability to teach, research, extend and manage youth and adult education, meeting the peculiarities of this field and the new educational paradigms for this area.
The Professional Master has a workload of 840 hours, developed in two years, will work at DEDC-Campus I, in the afternoon and evening shifts, offering 30 vacancies and is structured in 3 Concentration Areas: Education, Work and Environment; Teacher training; Educational Management and New Technologies.